January is Cervical Health Awareness Month.

January Raises Cervical Health Awareness

This month is a good time for women to raise awareness, while learning about the risks of cervical cancer. January is Cervical Health Awareness Month allowing for a perfect time to learn how and why it is important to get you or the women in your life their annual wellness check. These are routine wellness[…]

Immune System Attacking Germs On Your Desk

The second Monday of each year in January is dedicated as National Clean Off Your Desk Day, while many are organizing through papers, and putting folders in alphabetical order, there is a big difference between organizing and cleaning. To be organized is to arrange in a systematic order and it can help keep a clear[…]

Seven Ways To Stay On Track With New Year’s Resolutions

Sometimes as humans it’s hard for us to stay on track with our lifestyle goals we set for ourselves when the new year comes. A new year’s resolution is a great way to aid in making a lifestyle change for the better. Lifestyle changes aren’t always as drastic as some would think. Sometimes it’s as[…]