Six Simple Ways To Naturally Lower Bad Cholesterol

There are many alternative treatments for lowering cholesterol, however before adding any alternative therapies to your diet, talk to your healthcare provider. There are a few natural products that are scientifically proven to reduce LDL (bad) cholesterol. Research shows that HDL (good) cholesterol reduces and recycles LDL cholesterol by transmitting it to the liver to reprocess, while cleaning the[…]

January is Cervical Health Awareness Month.

January Raises Cervical Health Awareness

This month is a good time for women to raise awareness, while learning about the risks of cervical cancer. January is Cervical Health Awareness Month allowing for a perfect time to learn how and why it is important to get you or the women in your life their annual wellness check. These are routine wellness[…]

Five Approaches To Gaining A Better Night’s Sleep

Sometimes it seems sleep is something that is harder and harder to get the rest you need. You awake during the night because of being hot, your phone going off or sometimes you just can’t sleep. Anything that keeps your mind active, while trying to fall asleep, may not give you the good night’s sleep[…]